SsoAdvanced™ Universal Inhibitor-Tolerant SYBR® Green Supermix, 500 x 20 µl rxns, 5 ml (1 x 5 ml)
500 x 20 µl reactions, 5 ml (1 x 5 ml) 2x supermix, contains Sso7d fusion polymerase in an advanced buffer formulation

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Use SsoAdvanced Universal Inhibitor-Tolerant SYBR Green Supermix for qPCR with crude samples and difficult-to-amplify target sequences. This 2x concentrated supermix features our patented* Sso7d fusion DNA polymerase and an advanced buffering chemistry optimized for a broad range of conditions on any real-time PCR instrument.
Specially formulated for high performance in difficult sample matrices:
- Crude lysates from plants, seeds, bacteria, FFPE, and mammalian cells
- Samples containing PCR inhibitors — heparin, hematin, polysaccharides, polyphenols, salts, humic acid, indigo, melanin, cell culture media, and others
Real-time PCR applications include:
- Viral and bacterial detection
- GMO testing
- SNP genotyping
- Mutation detection
- Environmental monitoring
- Gene expression
- Pathway analysis
Instrument Compatibility
SsoAdvanced Universal Inhibitor-Tolerant SYBR Green Supermix is compatible with Bio-Rad Real-Time PCR Detection Systems and commercially available systems listed below:
* BSA must be added according to instrument specifications
- 200 x 20 µl reactions ( 172-5016 )
- 500 x 20 µl reactions (172-5017)
- 1,000 x 20 µl reactions ( 172-5018 )
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- Real-time PCR supermixes
* U.S. patents 6,627,424; 7,541,170; and 7,560,260