SU8200 Series CFE SEM
Ultra-high Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope SU8200 Series - Innovative Cold Field Emission Gun with Unmatched Resolution and Beam Stability This novel CFE gun employs a Hitachi patented "Mild flashing" technique and a new vacuum system which greatly minimizes gas molecule deposition on the emitter tip. The emitter always operates in a "clean" state, and emission current and beam stability are significantly improved. The…
Best imaging around
Polymer Electron Microscopy
Excellent imaging capabilities. Scope performs in a wide range of settings with metalized and I metalized samples. The image quality and resolution are wonderful. I can see down to .8nm Service is always promt and responsive.
Review Date: 19 Nov 2021 | Hitachi High Technologies America, Inc.
Ultra-high Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope SU8200 Series - Innovative Cold Field Emission Gun with Unmatched Resolution and Beam Stability
This novel CFE gun employs a Hitachi patented "Mild flashing" technique and a new vacuum system which greatly minimizes gas molecule deposition on the emitter tip. The emitter always operates in a "clean" state, and emission current and beam stability are significantly improved. The result is the ultimate SEM electron source offering high S/N, stability, and uncompromising resolution performance at low acceleration voltages. Further, these enhanced performance capabilities open a new gateway for low voltage elemental microanalysis.
SU8200 system features include a new top detector filtering system for enhanced electron detection specificity. Fine contrast differentiation is now achieved by selectively filtering inelastic scattering electrons and directly detecting specific energy back scattered electrons. This selective filtering is particularly powerful for enhancing material contrast at low acceleration voltages. Vibration control measures for the stage and chamber, and optimization of the optical system contribute to the high resolution system performance of 0.8 nm at 15 kV and 1.1 nm at 1 kV.
SU8200 Series CFE SEM Features:
- Innovative CFE gun yielding ultra bright, stable probe current for high-resolution, low kV observations and elemental analyses
- High resolution performance (1.1 nm / 1 kV, 0.8 nm / 15 kV)
- Ultra-high vacuum gun and sample chambers to minimize contamination
- Ultra-high vacuum sample chamber to minimize contamination
- Optional Top Filter detection system for fine material contrast differentiation