SuperScript IV One-Step RT-PCR System
Even with challenging RNA samples, you can get good results quickly and easily. The Invitrogen SuperScript IV One-Step RT-PCR System combines high-processivity Invitrogen SuperScript IV Reverse Transcriptase (RT) and high-fidelity Invitrogen Platinum SuperFi DNA Polymerase to provide super one-step RT-PCR performance.

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Quick and accurate results.
Easy to use kit to form cDNA from total RNA. Step by step procedure that only takes about 90 minutes. Highly recommend!
Review Date: 15 Nov 2021 | Invitrogen Limited
Great results with limited bias!
Transcribe and amplify RNA in a 1-step process
This system was extremely easy to use, and provided great amplification of RNA. Amplification was limited in bias, and performed exceptionally for downstream sequencing reactions.
Review Date: 15 Nov 2021 | Invitrogen Limited
- Two-phase hot-start activation mechanism for high specificity, improved yields, and easy room-temperature setup
- High performance with sensitivity down to 0.01 pg of RNA, target length up to 13.8 kb, and the fast one-step RT-PCR protocol
- Reliable target detection even in RNA samples with suboptimal purity
- Fast and easy gDNA removal for accuracy and confidence in your results