Products & ReviewLife Sciences

SureBeads™ Protein G Magnetic Beads, 3 ml

Bio-Rad1614023Available: Worldwide

3 ml, suspension of protein G conjugated magnetic immunoprecipitation beads (10 mg beads/ml)

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Use SureBeads Protein G Magnetic Beads for fast, easy, and reliable bioseparations: immunoprecipitation (IP), co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP), and protein pull-down assays.

Superparamagnetic beads with surface-activated hydrophilic polymer and chemically conjugated protein A bind the Fc regions of immunoglobulins with high specificity.

  • Faster IP using magnetization instead of centrifugation
  • Unique bead surface chemistry ensures optimal antibody orientation for increased antigen binding efficiency
  • High IgG binding affinity with low nonspecific binding and reduced antibody consumption
  • Beads cling magnetically to the side wall of the tube, not the bottom, for easier wash pipetting

*Trial kit

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More Information

Protein A and protein G have different binding affinities for various species and subclasses of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies. Use the table below to select the best SureBeads products for your needs.

Protein A/G Immunoprecipitation Guide

– No binding
+ Weak binding
++ Moderate binding
+++ Strong binding

Product Overview
