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Swing-bucket rotor A-4-44 for Centrifuges 5804/5804 R and Centrifuges 5810/5810 R

4 x 100 ml rectangular buckets for high capacity Flexible adapters for a wide range of tubes Max. rotational speed: 5,000 rpm (max. rcf: 4,500 x g) Caps for aerosol-tight centrifugation* Rotor, buckets, caps, and adapters are autoclavable (20 min, 121°C) Also available with four buckets for conical 50 ml tubes * Tested by the Centre for Applied Microbiology & Research, CAMR, Porton Down, Great Britain.

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  • 4 x 100 ml rectangular buckets for high capacity
  • Flexible adapters for a wide range of tubes
  • Max. rotational speed: 5,000 rpm (max. rcf: 4,500 x g) Caps for aerosol-tight centrifugation*
  • Rotor, buckets, caps, and adapters are autoclavable (20 min, 121°C)
  • Also available with four buckets for conical 50 ml tubes

* Tested by the Centre for Applied Microbiology & Research, CAMR, Porton Down, Great Britain.

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