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Thermal Desorption

Thermal desorption (TD) combines sample preparation, extraction, and injection into a single automated process for the analysis of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOC and SVOC).

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Thermal desorption (TD) is used to analyze volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOC and SVOC) in environmental, food, forensics, defense, consumer, and other application areas. It combines sample preparation, extraction, and injection into a single automated process. TD systems from Markes International, combined with Agilent GC and GC/MS systems, offer the sensitivity and dynamic range you need to meet current regulations and future needs.


  • Quantitative sample re-collection of all split flows enables repeat analysis of critical samples, easy method validation, and overcomes the one-shot limitation of conventional TD systems
  • Capacity of up to 100 tubes and the ability to use overlap mode provide enhanced throughput
  • Configurations for 14-channel canister or 3-channel on-line, with 100-tube automation available for ultimate flexibility on one TD-GC-MS system
  • Electronic tube tagging (TubeTAG™): RFID tags for simplified chain of custody are available for industry standard sorbent tubes
  • Diffusion locking (DiffLok™) for enhanced sample integrity and robust (mechanically simple) automation
  • Patented inert valving for compatibility with every TD application on a single analytical platform - ultra-volatiles, semi-volatiles (up to n-C44) plus reactive species such as mercaptans, CS gas, etc. - all on one TD system
  • Automated internal standard introduction onto blank as well as sampled tubes, or onto the focusing cold trap
  • Electronic pneumatics control (EPC) of carrier gas through the thermal desorber ensures consistent compound retention time independent of split flow
  • Electrically-cooled sorbent trapping with uniquely fast trap heating rates for splitless capillary GC operation and optimum sensitivity without risk of ice formation
  • Off-line conditioning for multiple tubes without the need to blank-off unused tube connections
  • Specialized sorbent tubes: Certified reference standards, SafeLok™ tubes, inert coated tubes
  • A range of unique sampling tools for measuring VOC and SVOC in challenging matrices: liquids/solids/emulsions, breath, in-situ soil, polymers, natural products, construction products, etc.

Product Overview
