Products & ReviewSpectroscopy

Thermo Scientific™ DXR Flex Raman Spectrometer

Thermo Fisher ScientificIQLAADGABFFAHCMBNNAvailable: Worldwide

The Thermo Scientific™ DXR3 Flex Raman Spectrometer is a research-grade Raman spectrometer specifically designed for integration with other analytical techniques. This compact spectrometer uses the same design and optics as advanced spectrometers in the Thermo Scientific DXR3 Raman Spectrometer research product family. Thus, it provides transportability and hyphenation without compromising data quality.  

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Whether you need to complement your materials understanding with chemical identification, correlate chemistry and materials performance, or monitor a process in real time, the DXR3 Flex Raman Spectrometer can help you reach your goals faster.

DXR3 Flex Raman Spectrometer offers:

  • Open architecture allows custom coupling to almost any equipment in any position. Often referred to as “Raman engine”
  • Coupling with the DXR3 Flex Raman Spectrometer eliminates the need for multiple measurements and assumptions; you can get answers faster
    • One measurement provides data from multiple techniques, all taken at the same time and in the same conditions
    • Learn about your samples’ physical, chemical and structural characteristics and how they affect one another—all from one measurement
  • Research laboratory-level spectroscopic performance
  • Configurable excitation laser wavelengths and spectral resolution to maximize performance for particular materials
  • Free-space optical coupling eliminates fiber optic losses to maximize sensitivity
  • A variety of accessories available: fiber optics coupling, macro and micro sample holders, objectives, camera, and more
  • Lasers shareable and exchangeable with Thermo Scientific™ DXR3 Raman Microscopes
  • Thermo Scientific™ OMNIC™ Software, data, and spectral library compatibility with DXR3 Raman instruments. OMNIC D/S Software offers CFR 21 part 11 compliance

Couple the DXR3 Flex Raman Spectrometer with:

  • Rheology
  • Hot melt extrusion
  • Lab- and manufacturing-scale processing equipment
  • Various microscopic stages and sample holders
  • Optic-fiber-based systems: any system that has optic fiber input (for delivering excitation frequency from DXR3 Flex Raman Spectrometer) and output (to get emitted Raman signal back to DXR3 Flex Raman Spectrometer)

Product Overview
