Products & ReviewSpectroscopy

Thermo Scientific™ GENESYS™ 140 Vis/150 UV-Vis Spectrophotometers

Thermo Fisher ScientificIQLAADGABIFAFCMBJU

Get the most for your QA/QC or teaching lab with a rugged, network ready spectrophotometer designed for repetitive measurements and ease of use.

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Thermo Fisher Scientific

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Perform quantitative measurements in routine industrial QA/QC or university chemistry labs with the automated and network-ready Thermo Scientific™ GENESYS™ 150 UV-Visible and GENESYS 140 Vis Spectrophotometers. Optimized for usability and performance, this platform features a high-resolution color touchscreen, Wi-Fi networking, and a rugged design built for repetitive, heavy use environments. Regarded worldwide for reliability, accuracy and reproducibility, GENESYS spectrophotometers meet today’s expectations for advanced technology in a compact, robust package.

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