Products & ReviewLife Sciences

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Cell Surface Protein Isolation Kit

The Cell Surface Protein Isolation Kit is a complete set of reagents for selective biotinylation and subsequent purification of mammalian cell surface proteins with the exclusion of intracellular proteins.

Thermo Fisher Scientific

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The Cell Surface Protein Isolation Kit efficiently labels proteins that have accessible lysine residues and sufficient extracellular exposure using a cell-impermeable, cleavable biotinylation reagent (Sulfo-NHS-SS-Biotin). Treated cells are then harvested, lysed and the labeled surface proteins are affinity-purified using Thermo Scientific NeutrAvidin Agarose Resin. The isolated cell surface proteins contain a small, nonreactive tag of the originally labeled primary amines but are no longer biotinylated (biotin remains bound to the resin).


  • Isolates cell surface proteins—reduces complexity of total cellular protein
  • Efficiently recovers labeled proteins—cleavable biotin allows for nearly 100% recovery of isolated cell surface proteins
  • Convenience—all reagents are provided in one kit, along with complete instructions
  • Western blotting applications—proteins recovered in SDS-PAGE buffer are loaded directly onto polyacrylamide gels
  • Robust system—protocol designed for diverse cell lines, including NIH 3T3, HeLa, C6 and A431

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