Products & ReviewLife Sciences

TriFECTin™ Transfection Reagent

Trifectin is a proprietary cationic lipid formulation that has been optimized for delivery of IDT’s Dicer-Substrate siRNAs into a wide variety of cell types with minimal toxicity.

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Integrated DNA Technologies Inc.

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Trifectin is a proprietary cationic lipid formulation that has been optimized for delivery of IDT’s Dicer-Substrate siRNAs into a wide variety of cell types with minimal toxicity.

It is equally potent for delivery of traditional 21-mer siRNAs and is also effective in delivery other kinds of nucleic acids. In particular, Trifectin has been shown to be effective in delivering antisense oligos (ASOs) of all kinds, including anti-miRNA ASOs.

Benefits of Trifectin include:

  • Easy optimization due to low toxicity and good function across a wide range of RNA/lipid transfection ratios
  • Efficient tranfection permitting use of lower RNA concentrations
  • Functional in a wide range of cells

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