Save on the full package! This set includes all items required for the research and testing of ultrasonic liquid processes. It combines a powerful, 1,000 watts ultrasonic processor with a robust stainless steel flow cell, two sonotrodes, boosters and a versatile power meter so that you can vary all parameters important to ultrasonic liquid processes. This set is the perfect pack for R&D, pilot scale and small production level…

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Review Date: 18 Jul 2011 | Hielscher USA, Inc.
Save on the full package! This set includes all items required for the research and testing of ultrasonic liquid processes. It combines a powerful, 1,000 watts ultrasonic processor with a robust stainless steel flow cell, two sonotrodes, boosters and a versatile power meter so that you can vary all parameters important to ultrasonic liquid processes.
This set is the perfect pack for R&D, pilot scale and small production level for all ultrasonic liquid processes, such as homogenizing, emulsifying, dispersing, cell disruption and particle size reduction (e.g. nano-sizing). The 1,000 watts in power are sufficient for flow rates of up to 20 liters (5 gallons) per minute depending on the process.
The UIP1000 is an industrial grade device that is installed in several hundred systems world wide. It is very easy to operate so that you can have your unit up and running within minutes. Its amplitude control feature maintains a constant amplitude under all load conditions. This gives you reproducible operation conditions. You can vary the amplitude electronically and mechanically, so you can process your liquid at amplitudes from 1 to approx. 50 microns. If required, it can be operated on a 24/7 basis.
In addition to that, you can pressurize the stainless steel flow cell to pressures of up to 4atm. Therefore, a manual valve is supplied at the exit of the flow cell, so that you can increase the back pressure. The pressure gauge at the flow cell will display the actual pressure in the flow cell.
This unit can be easily integrated into existing liquid circulations. The UIP1000 is simple to use. Once the equipment is hooked up and the device is switched on, it is ready to work with. There is no easier way to explore the potential of ultrasound and cavitation for you product and process. All results obtained with this unit can be easily up scaled. Many companies from various industries, such as chemical, pharmaceutical, petrochemical and food industry already did. So we supplied several clusters of up to 80kW total power world wide for all kind of liquid processes already. We design, manufacture and distribute ultrasonic processors of up to 16,000 watts individual power that can form clusters of any total size required. This allows you to implement your results into production level at low investment and maintenance costs.
If you need assistance in getting your process up and running, we will be there to support you. We have an extensive knowledge in ultrasound, cavitation and liquid processing. Based on this we can advise you on the perfect parameter choice and on the process optimization. Our long record of processes that we scaled up, enables us to provide you with the essential knowledge and technology to transfer your results to whatever size you want.
In order to facilitate the first step in research and up scaling, we offer you this complete pack at a special price. Your saving is 15%.