Products & ReviewSeparations

Ultra Carbamate Columns

Restek chemists developed the Ultra Carbamate column specifically for carbamates analysis. The unique packing separates 10 target carbamates in just 5 minutes with an 8 minute total cycle time. The column is compatible with fluorescence or LC-MS detection.* An Ultra Carbamate column can process as many as eight samples per hour, versus less than two samples per hour on a general-purpose C18 column. In addition to increased sam…

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Restek chemists developed the Ultra Carbamate column specifically for carbamates analysis. The unique packing separates 10 target carbamates in just 5 minutes with an 8 minute total cycle time. The column is compatible with fluorescence or LC-MS detection.* An Ultra Carbamate column can process as many as eight samples per hour, versus less than two samples per hour on a general-purpose C18 column. In addition to increased sample throughput, this much faster analysis will significantly reduce solvent usage—and the costs of disposing of solvent waste. Refer to featured application EVSS2394-UNV for more information.

Particle: 3 μm or 5 μm, spherical
Pore Size: 100 Å
Carbon Load: proprietary
Surface Area: 300 m2/g
pH Range: 2.5 to 8
Maximum Temperature: 80 °C

For post-column derivatization/fluorescence detection applications using a 4.6 mm ID column, the total system dead volume, including the post-column reactor, must be less than 650 μL. For standard post-column reactor systems, we recommend a 250 mm x 4.6 mm, 5 μm column. Contact Restek Technical Service or your local Restek representative for more information.

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