Statistical analysis UNISTAT® bioassay analysis software has been integrated for use with ProtoCOL 3 colony counting and inhibition zone measuring system. The statistical module allows scientists a quick, easy method of analysing their ProtoCOL 3 data to generate accurate antibiotic and vaccine potency results. With just one click of the new UNITSTAT bioassay statistics module, microbiologists can export inhibition zone…

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Statistical analysis
UNISTAT® bioassay analysis software has been integrated for use with ProtoCOL 3 colony counting and inhibition zone measuring system. The statistical module allows scientists a quick, easy method of analysing their ProtoCOL 3 data to generate accurate antibiotic and vaccine potency results.
With just one click of the new UNITSTAT bioassay statistics module, microbiologists can export inhibition zone measurement and colony count data from ProtoCOL 3 directly to UNISTAT.
Statistical analysis of data from biological dilution assays or potency assays: Potency calculations can be performed employing parallel line, slope ratio, quantal response or four-parameter logistic model, complete with fiducial confidence intervals, validity tests, potency, ED50, Spearman-Karber method and graphical representations.
- Parallel Line Assay: Completely Randomised Design, Randomised Block Design, Latin Squares Design, Crossover Design
- Slope Ratio Assay: Blanks, Plate Effects
- Quantal Response Assay: Logit, Probit, Gompit, Loglog link functions
- Four-Parameter Logistic Model: European Pharmacopoeia (EP), Full Model (USP), Reduced Model (USP)
- Combination of Assays: EP, USP
- Cylinder-Plate (5+1) Assay
- Statistical analysis of data from biological assays or potency assays.
- Potency determination of antibiotics and vaccines.
Why buy this product
Ease of use
Users whose primary training is not in statistics, and who do not have access to expert statisticians, can quickly and easily produce accurate reports.
All inclusive package
UNISTAT is seamlessly integrated into the ProtoCOL 3 software. Analysis of data from bioassays can be performed, from inhibition zone measurements to statistical reports, in a single platform.
Total support
Expert and confident support for the fully integrated software within the ProtoCOL suite of modules.
Long term confidence
Regular upgrades and long term support available.
Meets the requirements of common pharmacopeia
Follows the methods required by EP and USP.