Products & ReviewEnvironmental
UniversalExtractor E-800
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Powerful extraction system that is perfect for multitasking
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The UniversalExtractor E-800 is designed to meet any challenging extraction task. Six distinct extraction positions offer individual process control and simultaneous operation of various extraction methods. High-speed heater and sophisticated process control combine to offer the fastest and most reproducible extraction processes.
The extraction system additionally features:
- Multiple work packages that can be executed simultaneously
- Quick method development and high sample throughput capbiliteis
- Proprietary analyte protection for best analyte recoveries
- Reproducible concentration of the extract with high safety standards
- No sample contamination and memory effects from leaching materials as components of extractor that are in contact with sample and solvents are made of completely inert material
- Ultimate protection of analyte against oxidation thanks to inert gas supply controlbale at all process steps (extraction, rinsing, drying)
- Automated control of inert gas if the analyte protection sensor is triggered
- Five different extraction methods combined in one universal glass assembly
- Suitable for samples of low concentration thanks to Large Sample Volume (LSV) glass assembly which enables expansion of sample volume by 60%
- Fast and evenly distributed heating possible even for high boiling solvents, such as water or toluen