Products & ReviewLife Sciences

VenaT4 Biochip

The VenaT4™ biochip model combines Cellix's proprietary microfluidic flow technology for cell recruitment under shear stress with traditional transwell chamber models. Used to investigate and quantify cell recruitment to various ligands in the presence of chemoattractants contained within the microwells mimicking tissue and / or injury sites. The biochips contain 4 microcapillaries in parallel, each with an embedded microporo…

Cellix Ltd

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The VenaT4™ biochip model combines Cellix's proprietary microfluidic flow technology for cell recruitment under shear stress with traditional transwell chamber models.

Used to investigate and quantify cell recruitment to various ligands in the presence of chemoattractants contained within the microwells mimicking tissue and / or injury sites.

The biochips contain 4 microcapillaries in parallel, each with an embedded microporous membrane with pores of 2-10um diameter (depending on application). Underneath each membrane is a microwell. See image above. The microcapillaries of the VenaT4™ biochips are easily coated with ECM proteins using a standard yellow-tip pipette, giving the researcher greater flexibility.

VenaT4 Biochip Features & Benefits:

  • Chemotaxis, transmigration and invasion assays: in-vivo like setting; cells adhere from flow and transmigrate through embedded microporous membrane (2-10 μm pore sizes) into underlying microwell containing chemoattractant.
  • Suitable for ECM-matrix, collagen gels, hydrogels, matrigel or similar aqueous gels.
  • Cells may also be cultured in the underlying microwell with/without gel.
  • Faster than traditional chemotaxis assays due to reduced distance in microchannel format.
  • Suitable for whole blood, primary cells, rare cells e.g. where samples are more difficult to retrieve or culture or only small sample volumes available.
  • No assembly of the biochip is required unlike many standard perfusion chambers / flow chambers.
  • No luer lock connections which increase dead volume. Cellix's biochips have a unique plug & play connection with tubing connections which are autoclaveable and reuseable. Dead volume is at input port ~ 0.1μL.

The VenaT4™ biochip is suitable for the following assays:

  • Chemotaxis Assays - Cells flowing through the microcapillary of the biochip may attach to the protein coated membrane and migrate towards the chemokine in the underlying microwell.
  • Transmigration Assays - Cells flowing through the microcapillary of the biochip may attach to the cell monolayer on the membrane and transmigrate through the cell monolayer and membrane towards the chemokine in the underlying microwell.
  • Invasion Assays - Cells flowing through the microcapillary of the biochip may attach to the cell monolayer on the membrane and transmigrate through the cell monolayer and membrane into a 3D ECM in the underlying microwell.

The VenaT4™ biochip is suitable for use with the following:

  • Cell types - Leukocytes, neutrophils, lymphocytes, macrophages, monocytes, endothelial cells, epithelial cells, fibroblasts and tumour cells.
  • Coatings - collagen, fibronectin, laminin etc.

Product Overview
