Products & ReviewSeparations

Viva Silica Columns (USP L3)

Viva columns are based on a wide pore material we designed for optimal large-molecule separations.In developing Viva silica, we found that although many commercial wide-pore silicas meet the standard 300 Å mean pore size, most have very broad distributions about this mean, with a significant portion of their pore volume falling below 150 Å.This means a large portion of the surface area is unavailable to larger molecules. Viva…

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Viva columns are based on a wide pore material we designed for optimal large-molecule separations.

In developing Viva silica, we found that although many commercial wide-pore silicas meet the standard 300 Å mean pore size, most have very broad distributions about this mean, with a significant portion of their pore volume falling below 150 Å.

This means a large portion of the surface area is unavailable to larger molecules. Viva columns have a narrow distribution around the mean pore size, permitting a larger portion of the silica surface to play a role in the separation.

Viva Silica Columns (USP L3) Features:

  • Excellent for separating peptides or proteins.
  • Rugged, spherical particles with 300 Å pore size.
  • High proportion of pore/surface area available to large molecules.

Particle size: 5 μm, spherical
Pore size: 300 Å
pH range: 2.5 to 8
Temperature limit: 80 °C
USP phase code: L3
Phase category: bare silica
Ligand type: none

Product Overview
