Products & ReviewLife Sciences

X-Cite Exacte

The X-Cite® exacte employs a DC-powered mercury lamp coupled with patented Closed-Loop Feedback technology to provide ultra-stable illumination, for imaging protocols lasting from milliseconds to days. With the X-Cite® Optical Power Measurement System, light output can also be calibrated in absolute power units (watts), ensuring truly repeatable experiments. Features of the X-Cite® exacte: Lamp: 200W, Pre-aligned, Intelli-L…

Lumen Dynamics

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The X-Cite® exacte employs a DC-powered mercury lamp coupled with patented Closed-Loop Feedback technology to provide ultra-stable illumination, for imaging protocols lasting from milliseconds to days.

With the X-Cite® Optical Power Measurement System, light output can also be calibrated in absolute power units (watts), ensuring truly repeatable experiments.

Features of the X-Cite® exacte:
Lamp: 200W, Pre-aligned, Intelli-Lamp® technology, 2000 hour guaranteed life.
Includes: Closed-Loop Feedback technology, Adjustable iris in 1% increments, Computer Control & GUI, Internal high speed shutter.

Compatible with Carl Zeiss, Leica, Nikon, Olympus and Motic microscopes.

Additional Specifications of the X-Cite® exacte: Certifications: CE Marked, Certified to IEC, Canadian and US Standards

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