Products & ReviewLife Sciences

xxpress™ Thermal Cycler

With a uniform thermal ramp rate of over 10°C per second xxpress™ is the fastest real-time thermocycler in the World delivering 40 cycle q-PCR in under 10 minutes. And whilst not all PCR chemistries are yet as fast as this system there are a number that repeatably and reliably work at this speed. Ultra low thermal mass and high conductively enable the patented resistive heating system deliver this speed cycle more efficiently…

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With a uniform thermal ramp rate of over 10°C per second xxpress™ is the fastest real-time thermocycler in the World delivering 40 cycle q-PCR in under 10 minutes. And whilst not all PCR chemistries are yet as fast as this system there are a number that repeatably and reliably work at this speed.
Ultra low thermal mass and high conductively enable the patented resistive heating system deliver this speed cycle more efficiently and more accurately than conventional Peltier based solutions.

xxpress™ uses an array of highly accurate infrared sensors to determine the temperature of the test samples. A patented control algorithm then adjusts the heating patterns at a rate of 50 times a second to ensure that thermal uniformity within the samples during the heating and cooling cycle is better than ±0.2°C and static temperature uniformity is better than ±0.1°C. This accuracy at such ramp speeds ensures that all the samples across the plate experience the sample thermal profiles so ensuring consistent results.

xxpress™ has an intuitive touch screen user interface that has been designed to mimic the way Biotechnologist’s develop their experiments. The software guides the user through the experiment, selecting PCR types, chemistry choices, plate types and sample volumes. It even provides guidance based on the MIQE recommendations for experiment design. Recommended profiles are provided for most standard chemistries which can be simply adjusted if required and during the cycle the machine displays the results curves as they develop. The system provides analysis of the results and the ability to export these results in a number of formats including RDML and Excel™
Using the personal storage and security key a user’s preferences, profiles and results are always with them. This data key also enables the User Interface to be run remotely on PC’s and Macs (available Q1-2012) enabling experiments to be designed and analysed away from the machine to maximise machine throughput.

The xxplate™ consumable is available in a range of sizes 24, 54, and 96 well. Based around a standard form factor they are interchangeable and the xxpress™ thermocycler will recognise which size is inserted and its orientation. This range of plates covers sample volumes from 0.5ul to 40ul allowing optimal use of reagents so minimising cost per test. The test wells are on standard pitches allowing the use of existing pipetting systems.

The xxpress™ thermocycler provides outstanding Return on Investment for the purchaser. With cycle times of less than 10 minutes up to 6 cycles can be completed per hour, more than 40 on a single day shift. The ability to plan and analyse experiments remotely means the thermocycler is always available to test. Staff time is more efficiently utilised and with minimal reagent usage its cost per test is “best in class”.
Fast test cycles also mean that development programs can be shorter, products released earlier and revenues received sooner. xxpress™ really is the perfect real time thermocycler for a modern laboratory.

Product Overview
