Lab Informatics Products & Reviews

Lab informatics harnesses cutting-edge technologies to manage, analyze, and interpret the vast amounts of data generated in lab settings. It encompasses the use of advanced software systems, including laboratory information management systems (LIMS), electronic laboratory notebooks (ELN), and scientific data management systems (SDMS), to streamline workflows and facilitate collaboration. Increasingly, lab informatics integrates machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to automate data analysis, predict trends, and optimize experimental processes. Explore how lab informatics empowers researchers and scientists to derive actionable insights, accelerate discoveries, and drive advancements across diverse scientific fields.

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Axion BioSystems



Lux3 BR brightfield live cell imager

Axion BioSystems

Lux3 BR is a small brightfield live-cell imager, equipped with a high-quality 6.4 MP CMOS camera. It is designed to work inside a standard cell culture incubator without disturbing temperature, airflow, and optimum culture conditions. Detailed brightfield images can be captured using the new device. In both x- and y-direction, 2072 pixels combined with 1.45 mm field of view provide a resolution of 0.7 µm/pixel. 

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