Drug discovery > Basic Research Products & Reviews

Products, services, reviews and techniques used in the preliminary investigations of the disease; the cell biology, genetics and protein pathways using tissue culture, cloning and imaging.

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Bio S&T



Fosmid Library

Bio S&T

Fosmid clones are similar in size (ca. 40kb) to cosmids, but, like BAC clones, they contain replicons derived from the F factor for DNA replication and segregation. Because of this property, they are present in low copy number and consequently more stable than cosmids. Also, the copy control vector can be used for easy DNA purification from fosmid clones. Fosmid libraries are commonly used for closing gaps in a whole genome se…

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Arrayed BAC library

Bio S&T

An arrayed or non-arrayed BAC library is the preferred choice for downstream applications such as hybridization screening; full-genome sequencing; BAC end sequencing or physical mapping projects. Amount of clones received is based on a guaranteed coverage and 120Kb average insert size. HMW DNA isolation and QC by HMW DNA enzymatic digestion are included. Deliverables for ARRAYED BAC library: Clones will be arrayed and amplifie…

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Screened BAC library

Bio S&T

A pooled BAC library is an invaluable tool for PCR-screening. It allows for the easy retrieval of BAC clones of interest. This type of library is especially useful when genome size is large and creating an arrayed library is cost-prohibitive. We typically construct a minimum 5X BAC library and BAC clones are then pooled and distributed in 96-well plates. Each well will contain about 400-500 original BAC clones. HMW DNA isolati…

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Normalized cDNA libraries

Bio S&T

Our cDNA libraries feature full-length-enriched and high quality size-fractionated cDNA. cDNA library construction is usually done in slightly-modified versions of pBluescript or pcDNA3.1. Insert sizes will range from about 0.5Kb to 4Kb. Concerning QC steps, we evaluate the average insert size, empty clone rate and clone concentration/tube before shipping out. We always provide a gel picture of randomly selected clones showing…

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APAgene™ GOLD Walking Kits

Bio S&T

APAgene™ GOLD Genome Walking Kits are designed to rapidly and reliably amplify unknown genomic DNA using our patented APA technology: 1. Isolate unknown genomic sequences flanking transgenes (including T-DNAs, gene traps, transposons), sequence-tagged sites (STSs) or expressed sequence tags (ESTs). 2. Isolate localized sequences flanking known sequences from large clones and genomic DNAs. 3. Sequence insert ends of large clone…

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ASH cDNA Subtracted Library

Bio S&T

ASH is APA-based, full-length-enriched, single-stranded cDNA subtraction hybridization library. - ASH cDNA subtraction is full-length-enriched and independent of PCR suppression. - ASH cloning is directional and does not involve normalization. - ASH method provides non-exponential amplification before subtraction because double-stranded cDNA is not required. - ASH method has a better subtraction effect because 1) a high ratio…

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RNA Isolation for Sequencing

Bio S&T

Bio S&T's high-quality RNA can be used directly for NxGen RNA sequencing as well as other downstream applications that require optimal-quality RNA such as quantitative real-time RT-PCR, microRNA cloning and amplification and Northern blotting.

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Retroviral Research Products

Bio S&T

Bio S&T is the only commercial provider of highly purified human tRNAs. RNA is most widely used as the primer of retroviral reverse transcriptases. The 3’ end of the tRNA binds to the complementary binding site on the viral RNA therefore initiating reverse transcription. 1. tRNALys3 is the primer of HIV-I, HIV-II, SIV and FIV. 2. tRNALys1,2 are the primers of BLV, HTLV-I and II, SSV, FLV, VV, CAEV, MPMV, SMR and EIAV. 3. tRNAT…

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