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BIOCRATES Life Sciences AG



AbsoluteIDQ® p150 Kit

BIOCRATES Life Sciences AG

The AbsoluteIDQ p150 Kit identifies and quantifies 163 analytes from 4 compound classes, i.e., acyl carnitines, amino acids, glycerophospho- and sphingolipids and hexose using an FIA-MS/MS method.The p150 Kit is an excellent choice for researchers who are looking for a cost-effective solution to measure metabolites under quality-controlled conditions in their own laboratory. The AbsoluteIDQ® p150 Kit is an easy-to-use and accu…

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AbsoluteIDQ® p180 Kit

BIOCRATES Life Sciences AG

The AbsoluteIDQ p180 Kit enables standardized, quantitative and reproducible analysis of ca. 200 endogenous metabolites from several metabolite classes (acyl-carnitines, amino acids, biogenic amines, (lyso-) phosphatidylcholines, sphingomyelins, hexoses, steroids). The metabolite analysis is based on flow injection analysis (FIA-ESI-MS/MS) and LC-ESI-MS/MS. The possibility of measuring different biological matrices of differe…

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SteroIDQ® Kit - Diagnostic Kit

BIOCRATES Life Sciences AG

SteroIDQ® Kit* is the first and so far only ready-to-use CE-marked IVD-test for the quantitative simultaneous analysis (multiplexing) of 16 of the most important steroid hormones. Multiplexing from only a single sample Most comprehensive steroid panel covering the broadest range of indications High quality standards through QC-implemented workflow control Exceptional analytical sensitivity and selectivity Supreme a…

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Metabolic Phenotyping Services

BIOCRATES Life Sciences AG

Through these Metabolic Phenotyping Services we can help you to identify relevant metabolic biomarkers, accelerate your understanding of biochemical pathways and provide important information of the metabolomic state of a cell, tissue or living organism. Our technology platform offers mass spectrometry-based (FIA-, LC-MS/MS and GCMS) quantification of metabolites through multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) using triple quadrup…

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AbsoluteIDQ® Steroid reagents

BIOCRATES Life Sciences AG

Steroid Analysis – QUICK and EASY: BIOCRATES AbsoluteIDQ® Steroid reagents enable up to 17 steroids from human serum to be quantified simultaneously and reliably using LC-MS/MS. Fully customizable Multiplexing capabilities High-quality, robust and reliable results Proficiency Test Approval (DGKL, Germany)

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AbsoluteIDQ® Stero17 Kit

BIOCRATES Life Sciences AG

AbsoluteIDQ® Stero17 Kit offers a unique experience in standardized, quantitative steroid hormone detection by simultaneously analyzing (multiplexing) 17 different steroid hormones with (Ultra) High Performance Liquid Chromatography tandem mass spectrometry ((U)HPLC-MS/MS). Key Benefits: 3 classes: sex steroids, mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids More High Throughput with UHPLC-MS/MS Simplified and Faster Sample Prepara…

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Biocrates® Vitamin D Kit

BIOCRATES Life Sciences AG

The Biocrates® Vitamin D Kit provides ready-to-use components for a LC-MS/MS-based assay and enables the quantitative measurement of 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D3. The inability to differentiate between 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 is the main drawback of immune-based techniques. The separate measurements are useful for both, clinical and research purposes. Moreover, the cross reactivity with…

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Biocrates® Bile Acids Kit

BIOCRATES Life Sciences AG

The Biocrates® Bile Acids Kit provides ready-to-use components for an LC-MS/MS-based assay and enables the quantitative measurement of a number of bile acids in human plasma/serum (16 human specific analytes) and mouse plasma samples (19 mouse specific analytes). From only 10 µL of human plasma/serum or mouse plasma 19 mouse specific bile acids 16 human specific bile acids Features: Ready to use components for all m…

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