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AccuPower® RT PreMix


The AccuPower® RT PreMix is a master mix for cDNA synthesis that consists of an easy to resuspend, lyophilized mix of M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase, RNase inhibitor, dNTPs, reaction buffer, tracking dye, and patented stabilizer. The master mix kit is used for first strand cDNA synthesis from RNA. Downstream applications include cDNA amplification with reverse transcription PCR. All of the key components are premixed at optimal c…

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AccuPower® one-step RT-PCR PreMix


AccuPower® RT-PCR PreMix contains all the components necessary for sequential cDNA synthesis and amplification in one tube (one-step RT-PCR). This RT-PCR PreMix consists of both M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase, RNA dependent DNA polymerase, and a thermostable DNA polymerase in a lyophilized mix of dNTPs, reaction buffer, RNase inhibitor, tracking dye, and stabilizer. The kit can be used for double stranded cDNA synthesis from low…

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AccuPower® DNA Ligation PreMix; 20 µl, 0.2 ml thin-wall 8-strip tubes with attached cap, 96 ligations


The AccuPower® DNA Ligation PreMix is a lyophilized master mix containing T4 DNA Ligase, ATP, reaction buffer, and patented stabilizer. This DNA ligation premix is conveniently aliquoted in strip-tubes for reactions; you need only add DNAs to be ligated and water. The reaction will work for DNA ligation for all applications: blunt cloning, sticky end cloning and TA cloning. The premix is stable up to four months at room temper…

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AccuPrep® Plasmid Mini Extraction Kit


Bioneer’s AccuPrep® Plasmid MiniPrep DNA Extraction Kit allows for the extraction of highly-pure plasmid DNA from as E. coli bacterial cultures. A260/A280 ratio greater than 1.8 and Yields of up to 20 μg of high-copy plasmid DNA can be routinely attained using the AccuPrep Plasmid MiniPrep DNA Extraction Kit. The AccuPrep Plasmid MiniPrep DNA Extraction Kit was developed for plasmid DNA purification from cultured bacterial cel…

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AccuPrep® PCR Purification Kit


Bioneer’s AccuPrep® PCR Purification Kit allows rapid purification of DNA fragments (dsDNA and ssDNA) from PCR products and other enzymatic reactions. Purification of up to 10 µg of DNA fragments from PCR and other enzymatic products within 5 minutes with > 90% recovery are routine with the AccuPrep PCR Purification Kit. Size range is 100 bp - 10 kb, so common 20 - 40 mer oligonucleotides are easily removed. Elution volume can…

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AccuPrep® Gel Purification Kit; Agarose gel fragments, PCR products, enzyme reaction mixtures


Bioneer’s AccuPrep® Gel Purification Kit allows rapid DNA gel purification of up to 10 μg DNA fragments or plasmid DNA from low-melting, TAE and TBE agarose gels as well as PCR products and enzymatic reaction mixtures. Fragments 70 bp – 10 kb can be isolated in less than 15 minutes with the AccuPrep Gel Purification Kit Recovery efficiencies are QC’ed to be greater than 70%. Elution volume can be as little as 30 μl when concen…

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AccuPrep® GMO DNA Extraction Kit; Agricultural product (beans, corn, rice, tofu, bean sprouts), 100 extractions


Bioneer’s AccuPrep® GMO DNA Extraction Kit allows rapid DNA extraction from agricultural and food products to detect genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The AccuPrep GMO DNA Extraction Kit yields large amounts of high-purity DNA; for example, 20~40 μg of plant DNA for 1 g of powdered bean, with an average A260/A280 ratio greater than 1.8. AccuPrep GMO DNA Extraction Kit works on the principle that DNA, In the presence of ch…

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AccuPrep® Stool DNA Extraction Kit; Fresh or frozen stool, 100 extractions


Bioneer’s AccuPrep® Stool DNA Extraction Kit allows for the rapid extraction of genomic, bacterial, viral, and parasite DNA from fresh or frozen stool. The AccuPrep Stool DNA Extraction Kit yields large amounts of contaminant free, high quality DNA routinely with average A260/A280 ratio greater than 1.8.The AccuPrep Stool DNA Extraction Kit quickly and conveniently extracts up to 5μg of DNA from 100~200 mg of stool. In the pre…

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AccuPrep® Viral RNA Extraction Kit, Serum, plasma, CSF, urine, 100 extractions


Bioneer’s AccuPrep® Viral RNA Extraction Kit is the ideal solution for rapid extraction of viral RNA from cell-free samples such as serum, plasma, CSF, urine, and from a variety of RNA virus, such as HIV, HAV, HCV and enteroviruses. The viral RNA extracted with the AccuPrep Viral RNA Extraction Kit can be directly used as a template for RT or RT-PCR. AccuPrep Viral RNA Extraction Kit obtained has an average A260/A280 ratio gre…

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AccuPrep® 96 Plasmid Extraction Kit for BioVac 96 Vacuum Manifold, 96-well plate x 2; Refer to K-3030 AccuPrep Plasmid Mini Extraction Kit


Bioneer’s AccuPrep® 96 Plasmid DNA Extraction Kit is used for the high throughput extraction of plasmid DNA from 96 different bacterial culture samples. Bacterial cultures can be grown and lysed in the AccuPrep 96-well blocks provided with the Plasmid Extraction kit. Purification is accomplished with the BioVac 96 Vacuum Manifold. Average A260/A280 ratio greater than 1.8. Maximum yield of 17 μg.The DNA extraction protocol used…

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