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CE Instruments Ltd




CE Instruments Ltd

The Qsurf is a dynamic BET surface area system designed to offer either single point or multipoint (6) determination of Surface area and total pore volume.  The system is unique in that it works as well as a static system (better for low surface areas) and runs in just 15 minutes.

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Pascal system

CE Instruments Ltd

The Pascal systems are convenient benchtop Mersury intrusions systems small enough to operate from inside a fume hood.  They offer unrivalled determination of Pore size andparticle distribution

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CE Instruments Ltd

The Pycnomatic is a Helium Pycnometer with a difference.  The system is fast to use and very accurate thanks to a built in peltier cooling system that ensures the analysis is carried out at a stable temperature.

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CE Instruments Ltd

We supply a wide range of GC accessories to fit most common GC systems.  We can provide Prep GC, sniffer systems, cryogenic trapping either with a GC or as a retrofit

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