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Eksigent Technologies



Express LC-100

Eksigent Technologies

Run assays up to 5 times faster than a conventional HPLC. Increase mass spec sample throughput by a factor of 5. Eliminate dead time in your analysis and cut solvent usage by 99 percent. Achieve all this and more with the ExpressLC-100 system. TheExpressLC-100 system is a single-channel HPLC with binary solvent delivery, high pressure gradient mixing, variable volume injection, UV absorbance detection, and PC-based instrument…

|1 Review

NanoLC-Ultra® System

Eksigent Technologies

The next generation NanoLC system from Eksigent promises to deliver high resolution separations, combined with excellent reproducibility, resulting in improved identification of low abundance peptides, proteins, and small molecules with nanoLC-MS. The higher pressure capability of the NanoLC-Ultra® platform allows the use of longer columns and/or columns packed with smaller particles for higher resolution separations of comple…

|1 Review

NanoFlow Metering System

Eksigent Technologies

Handle small volume samples with unprecedented precision at flow rates from 1 nL/min to 10 µL/min and backpressures to 3,000 psi Integrates easily into your workflow Simple interfaces make the NanoFlow Metering System an easy plug-in solution. standard low-volume capillary fittings for connection to detectors, chips, and standard liquid handing equipment, including autosamplers. Ideal for applications such as reagent met…

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cHiPLC™-nanoflex system

Eksigent Technologies

Eksigent’s new cHiPLC-nanoflex, in combination with the nanoLC-Ultra system, delivers superior sensitivity, column-to-column reproducibility, and exceptional ease of operation.The cHiPLC-nanoflex system is a “docking station” for up to three microfluidic chips. The system’s flexible design and built-in 10-port nano valve allow for easy switching between different types of experiments such as direct injection and trap-loading.…

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