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GL Sciences, Inc.



Inertsil series ODS

GL Sciences, Inc.

Inertsil ODS columns are general-purpose reversed phase C18 columns, available in 5-µm and 10-µm particle sizes. It was the first of the ODS columns from GL Sciences, introduced back in 1986. We currently recommend InertSustain C18 or Inertsil ODS-4 columns for all new method developments.

|5 Reviews

InertSustain C18

GL Sciences, Inc.

Silica-based columns are stable and efficient but unsuitable for alkaline analyses due to the silica matrix's weakness under high pH. InertSustain C18, with its novel surface-modified silica, overcomes this limitation. It retains Inertsil's benefits—low back pressure, superior inertness, high efficiency, consistent performance, and wide solvent compatibility—while enabling analyses over a broad pH range.

|3 Reviews

InertSep Stacked SPE for PFAS

GL Sciences, Inc.

EPA Method 1633 efficiently determines PFAS in complex samples. InertSep, a line of solid-phase extraction cartridges, is known for high purity, consistency, and quality. InertSep WAX FF and GCB offer high recovery rates and cleanup efficiencies for PFAS in water, soil, food, and other complex matrices. InertSep GCB, packed with Graphite Carbon Black, is ideal for LC/MS analysis due to its excellent cleanup efficiency.

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ProteoSil BioLC Column

GL Sciences, Inc.

GL Sciences' Bio LC Colunms "ProteoSil" are tailored HPLC solutions designed specifically for proteomics and the analysis of bio molecules such as proteins, peptides, and nucleic acids. The packing materials used in these columns are crafted from high-purity silica, offering pore sizes of 100Å, 200Å, and 300Å. They are available in multiple configurations, including reversed phase, HILIC, and size exclusion columns.

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