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Drug discovery > Pre-Clinical Development
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Hamilton Robotics



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Liquid Verification Kit - LVK

Hamilton Robotics

Optimize and verify pipetting performance with convenience and ease. A gravimetric balance-based hardware and software kit, the LVK enables you to quickly develop, optimize, and verify liquid handling on all Hamilton liquid handling platforms. Environmental factors such as altitude, temperature, and humidity, combined with varying physical properties such as volume and viscosity, can affect automated liquid handling precisi…

|1 Review
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Microlab NIMBUS

Hamilton Robotics

Experience fast, easy to use, and superior quality pipetting in a compact system at an affordable price. Add, change, and upgrade parts and accessories as needed to accommodate changing workflows. The Microlab NIMBUS is offered in multiple platform configurations to provide the lab with a powerful and personalized solution.

|8 Reviews
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Microlab VANTAGE Liquid Handling System

Hamilton Robotics

Discover the ultimate in precision engineering, performance, and craftsmanship. The modular design of the Microlab VANTAGE allows the lab to optimize storage, device integration, and transport space without sacrificing deck space. As a result, rely on Hamilton to process more samples in less time without risk of error or variability.

|13 Reviews
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