Materials Products & Reviews

Materials analysis examines the properties, composition, and behavior of materials at a microscopic and macroscopic level. Using advanced techniques such as microscopy, spectroscopy, and chromatography, materials analysts investigate the structure, purity, and performance of various substances. From industrial materials and nanomaterials to battery testing and beyond, this field provides critical insights into the characteristics and applications of materials across industries such as manufacturing, electronics, and healthcare. Explore how materials analysis drives innovation, quality assurance, and product development for a wide range of applications.

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Hitachi Software Engineering Europe S.A.



Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

Hitachi Software Engineering Europe S.A.

New optics and improved graphite furnace power supply circuit enhance sensitivity. Using common hollow cathode lamps, Z-2000 Series spectrophotometer is capable of analyzing As, Se and Sb in tap water and environmental water, which previously have only been measurable by using EDL (high-intensity) lamps in conventional graphite furnace analyses. Key Features:•High Quality-Excellent Sensitivity using Zeeman Method and Dual Det…

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