Nikon Microscope with Yokogawa CSU-W1 SoRa Spinning Disk Confocal
Nikon Healthcare Business – Microscope SolutionsSpinning Disk Super Resolution at high speed.
Spinning Disk Super Resolution at high speed.
The CSU-W1 is a high speed spinning disk with a large field of view and high image quality.
Faster, brighter, and more versatile, the CSU-X1 is the fastest model of the CSU-series.
The DeepSIM X-Light super-resolution module can easily be integrated with the X-Light V3 spinning disk confocal system to provide enhanced imaging of sub-cellular structures and to examine live-cell dynamics, with an XY resolution of 100 nm, without requiring any special sample preparation or dyes.
For high-end microscopy applications, the X-Light V3 relies on the cutting-edge technology, optical design and engineering solutions developed by CrestOptics.
High-speed, large field of view spinning disk confocal imaging.
An ultra-stable platform for performing precision manipulation procedures such as ICSI.
Nikon's inverted routine microscope featuring a compact footprint, newly developed contrast observation method and improved operability, ideal for the tissue culture lab.
Nikon’s newest confocal microscope with unparalleled resolution, speed, sensitivity and field of view, with AI-based tools for simplifying acquisition and analysis.
A Real Solution for Digital Pathology
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