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Prince Technologies




Prince Technologies

PrinCE capillary electrophoresis systems offers high performance separation, identification and quantification for size, shape and charged analyses as for entangled polymer solutions, or selected stationary phases commonly used in chromatography. The application are endless, with Prince offering modules and programmable parameters to fit individual needs. The unique modularity and flexibility of the PrinCE products offers a wi…

|2 Reviews

PrinCE Autosampler and Fraction Collector

Prince Technologies

The modular system design allows the PrinCE to be configured to individual needs. Options include a 4-position sample tray or a random access carrousel with accommodation for 30-48 sample/buffer vials and Peltier control of temperature to protect samples from evaporation and degeneration. When a two lift system is used, fraction collection can be performed. For the outlet, in sequence a number of sample positions are used. Eac…

|1 Review