Forensics Products & Reviews

To uncover the crucial information for criminal investigations and legal proceedings, forensic analysts rely on sophisticated methodologies that yield objective and scientifically grounded insights. These approaches include DNA analysis, fingerprinting, ballistics, and toxicology. Explore how robust forensic analysis empowers law enforcement agencies and legal professionals to solve crimes and uphold justice.

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prepGEM Bacteria


prep GEM Bacteria is ideal for processing Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria, protozoa, archaea, colonies and liquid cultures, biofilm and mucosal samples, swabs, and metagenomic DNA including soil, stool and water. The heat-driven extraction is done in a single-tube with no harsh chemicals or additional steps so there is no loss of DNA, enabling extractions from very low sample volume.

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PDQeX Nucleic Acid Extractor


The PDQeX Nucleic Acid Extractor is MicroGEM’s automated solution for effortless DNA extraction. This little powerhouse provides a simplified workflow in a single closed-tube system to handle challenging samples such as plant and fungi. It’s also the perfect extraction technology for labs looking for fast, hands-free, programmable sample processing, producing DNA in less than 20 minutes.

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