Drug discovery > Target Discovery Products & Reviews
Products, services, reviews and techniques used in the identification and validation of the disease-causing target genes and proteins.
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RosetteSep™ HLA B Cell Enrichment Cocktail
STEMCELL Technologies Inc.Immunodensity negative selection cocktail
RosetteSep™ HLA Granulocyte Depletion Cocktail
STEMCELL Technologies Inc.Immunodensity depletion cocktail
Human Recombinant FGF-acidic, ACF
STEMCELL Technologies Inc.Fibroblast growth factor-acidic, animal component-free
Human Recombinant Flt3/Flk-2 Ligand
STEMCELL Technologies Inc.Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3/fetal liver kinase-2
Human Recombinant Flt3/Flk-2 Ligand, ACF
STEMCELL Technologies Inc.Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3/fetal liver kinase-2, animal component-free
Human Recombinant G-CSF, ACF
STEMCELL Technologies Inc.Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, animal component-free
Human Recombinant GDF-11, ACF
STEMCELL Technologies Inc.Growth differentiation factor 11, animal component-free
Human Recombinant GM-CSF (CHO-expressed)
STEMCELL Technologies Inc.Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor
Human Recombinant GM-CSF (E. coli-expressed)
STEMCELL Technologies Inc.Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor
Human Recombinant GM-CSF, ACF
STEMCELL Technologies Inc.Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, animal component-free
RosetteSep™ Human Granulocyte Depletion Cocktail
STEMCELL Technologies Inc.Immunodensity depletion cocktail
RosetteSep™ Human Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Enrichment Cocktail
STEMCELL Technologies Inc.Immunodensity negative selection cocktail