Drug discovery > Target Discovery Products & Reviews

Products, services, reviews and techniques used in the identification and validation of the disease-causing target genes and proteins.

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A-S Automate Software Control

Aitken Scientific Ltd Software Integration

A-S Automate enables you to integrate a wide range of instruments in a common, high performance, automated environment providing you with a means to radically increase productivity without the need to re-invest in a new control system. Slash the learning curve “We loved A-S Automate because it was so simple to use – turn it on, hit the green button and walk away. New staff training costs have been slashed with the simple desig…

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Hydra DT

Matrix Technologies Corp.

The Hydra DT is a 96/384 channel pipettor with disposable tips. This compact bench top pipettor automates many routine pipetting tasks with the single press of a button and easily fits inside standard biological hoods. Perform both 96 and 384 format sample transfers with the Hydra DT, as well as applications such as plate-to-plate stamping, plate filling from reservoirs, plate replication, and 96 to 384 reformatting. Tip chang…

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Lullaby - siRNA transfection reagent

OZ Biosciences

Lullaby® - siRNA transfection reagent is the ideal reagent dedicated to the transfection of siRNA. Based on an innovative technology, this new lipid-based reagent achieves extremely efficient siRNA delivery into cells. Lullaby® - siRNA transfection reagent protects siRNA from extracellular degradation and has an outstanding capacity to destabilize cells membrane, allowing delivery of important siRNA amounts into the cytosol. T…

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CLC Protein Workbench Software

CLC bio

Protein Analysis Software - the Next GenerationCLC Protein Workbench creates a software environment enabling users to make a large number of advanced protein sequence analyses, combined with smooth data management, and excellent graphical viewing and output options. Protein Workbench sets new standards for bioinformatics software with its overall graphical display, usability driven and user-friendly interface, while featuring…

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CLC Free Workbench Software

CLC bio

Free Bioinformatics Software Not a demo. Not scaled down. No spyware. No need to register. Yet still a wide variety of features available - and - free! CLC Free Workbench creates a software environment enabling users to make a large number of bioinformatics analyses, combined with smooth data management, and excellent graphical viewing and output options. Some of the many bioinformatics analyses: • Interactive restriction site…

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KAPA DNA Library Preparation Kits for Illumina

Kapa Biosystems, Inc.

KAPA DNA Library Preparation Kits for Illumina sequencing platforms contain evolved and optimally formulated enzymes that enable the highest overall coverage from the least amount of total sequencing. Kits are optimized to achieve significantly higher library yields and contain KAPA HiFi for high-fidelity, high-efficiency and low-bias library amplification. This ensures the highest library and sequence data quality, particu…

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