High-Throughput Screening Products & Reviews

High-throughput screening (HTS) is an automated drug discovery technique for identification of active compounds against a compound library. Use HTS readers and integrated assay preparation / analysis workstations to screen your compounds. Identify active compounds against various HTS libraries, including membranes, proteins and peptides and HTS cell lines. Find the best high-throughput screening products in our peer-reviewed product directory: compare products, check customer reviews and receive pricing direct from manufacturers.

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Aura CL

Halo Labs

Aura® CL systems couples Fluorescent Membrane Microscopy and Backgrounded Membrane Imaging to help you understand what’s in your cell therapy. It detects, counts, sizes, and IDs cellular aggregates and subvisible particles and ID’s cellular from other particles without any machine learning so you can maximize the purity, safety, and efficacy of your therapeutic.

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Aura GT

Halo Labs

Aura® GT helps you realize the promise of gene therapies, without using a lot of your viral vector sample throughout the development process. Avoid conditions and formulations that facilitate viral vector aggregates, monitor DNA leakage, and ensure product quality with just 5 µL of sample per data point.

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Aura PTx

Halo Labs

Aura® PTx gets you to your best formulation faster! Backgrounded Imaging (BMI) technology to give you accurate count, size, and morphology information about particles in your sample. Couple that with Fluorescence Membrane Microscopy (FMM), which gives you definitive ID of protein aggregates and an easy way to monitor polysorbate degradation.

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Prometheus Panta + RA for High Throughput Stability Characterization

NanoTemper Technologies

Prometheus Panta + RA monitors the thermal stability, turbidity, and dispersity of a protein sample. It also measures the hydrodynamic radius, molecular weight, and self-association propensity of your protein-based therapeutics for developability profiling. The Panta uses dye-free, buffer-independent measurements from nanoDSF (nano Differential Scanning Fluorimetry), DLS (Dynamic Light Scattering), and backreflection technolo…

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ALH for FlowCam

Yokogawa Fluid Imaging Technologies, Inc

The ALH for FlowCam™ Automated Liquid Handling system integrates with FlowCam 8000 series instruments, FlowCam LO, and FlowCam Cyano to automate sample handling and FlowCam operation. ALH for FlowCam minimizes the risk of human error and improves measurement repeatability, ensures safer lab operation, and increases productivity.

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IVARO Tube Handler AP


IVARO AP is more than just a liquid handler. It supports you in all types of sample preparation. Filling liquids into several identical tubes is just as easy as aliquoting samples into different containers and microtest plates, or creating dilution series.

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