Raman Microscopes Products & Reviews


Raman Microscopes

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Raman Microscopes
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TauScope: Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy

TauTec LLC

TauTec is now offering customized, turn-key time-resolved imaging systems incroporating state-of-the-art intensified, picosecond gated ICCD camera, choice of excitation laser source (mode-locked lasers up to 100 MHz), optical microscope (inverted or upright), imaging spectrograph and the required accessory electronics. The modular system is suitable for various applications such as FLIM (Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscop…

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Dimension Microscope

Lambda Solutions, Inc.

The Dimension-M1â„¢ Raman MicroscopeLambda Solutions now provides a unique coupling of its Dimension series Raman systems to Nikon or Olympus microscopes. The result is a high performance Raman microscope at an extraordinary value. The Dimension-M1â„¢ is available as an integrated unit, or as a Dimension-P1â„¢ Raman System with the addition of a microscope and a Raman Microscope Adapter.  This system is available with the high spati…

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BAC151B ‒ Raman Video Microsampling System

B&W Tek, Inc.

The BAC151B Raman video microscope sampling system allows you to convert any of B&W Tek's Raman systems into a Raman microscope It is compatible with our laboratory Raman probes and is designed to provide you with the highest level of flexibility and sampling utility. The BAC151B’s optional dual laser wavelength configuration allows you to use one port with two different input laser wavelengths. If you already have both a 532…

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GemRam ‒ Raman Gemstone Identification System

B&W Tek, Inc.

The GemRam™ is a lightweight, portable Raman spectrometer dedicated to both the verification of known gemstones as well as the identification of unknown gemstones It comes equipped with B&W Tek’s GemID™ identification software, powered by GemExpert’s spectral library of nearly 300 different gemstones, as well as unlimited space for user defined spectra that can be added at any time.The GemRam utilizes a spectrum stabilized 78…

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Thermo Scientific DXRâ„¢xi Raman Imaging Microscope

Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Thermo Scientific™ DXR™xi Raman imaging microscope pushes Raman microscopy to the next level High performance chemical imaging is now accessible to all, accelerating research for new and experienced users alike. Optimize imaging parameters in real-time to visualize your data faster using the comprehensive Thermo Scientific™ OMNIC™xi imaging software. With its automatic feature recognition and powerful component identifica…

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RayShield Coupler

Oxford Instruments WITec

The new RayShield Coupler for the alpha300 and alpha500 microscope series allows the acquisition of Raman spectra at wavenumbers down to below 10 rel. cm-1. This high-transmission coupler system includes a specialized narrow-band filter set which is optimally aligned to detect lines extremely close to the Rayleigh line while maintaining ideal Rayleigh shielding. The RayShield Coupler is available for a variety of laser wavele…

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Virsaâ„¢ Raman Analyser

Renishaw plc.

Use the Virsa Raman Analyser, Renishaw's latest high-performance Raman spectroscopy system, to take your spectroscopic analysis away from the confines of the laboratory microscope to new samples and environments.

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MiniRaman Microscope

Photonic Solutions Ltd

Lightnovo's miniRaman microscope is the world's most miniature confocal Raman microscope for 660nm and 785nm laser wavelengths. With a footprint of only 12x13cm all while still providing diffraction-limited spatial resolution, extremely high throughput, and equipped with reflection, off-axis, and transmittance white light microscopy. 

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RG Raman Microscope

Photonic Solutions Ltd

RG Raman microscope is ideally suited to all kinds of demanding Raman spectroscopy applications that require high spectral and spatial resolution, long mapping range, extremely stable laser power, high sensitivity, and broad spectral range (from low frequency to high-frequency Raman shift).

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