Compound Analysis Products & Reviews
Compound analysis is used to discover specific compounds that could be promising candidates for pharmaceutical use. This potential is identified when compounds have the desired effect, such as interaction with a target protein, during high throughput screening.
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3D cell panel screening service - 3D OncoSignature
200 cell lines from our OncoSignature™ library grown in 3D spheroids. Providing more physiologically relevant conditions to screen - giving a better understanding of candidate cancer therapeutics.
RotaChromOur engineers designed the rCPC platform for pilot-scale purification tasks within a laboratory environment. It is ideal for all batch sizes, smaller or larger, or campaign type of research work, and continuous-batch production. To accommodate a user-friendly operation, RotaChrom offers a turn-key solution package for semi-automated solvent handling (preparation and recovery) upon request. rCPC can be utilized as an at-line p…
RotaChromRotaChrom’s iCPC platform is the largest commercially available Centrifugal Partition Chromatography instrument in the world. Designed for industrial-scale purification projects in continuous batch operation mode, this device is by far the most cost-effective industrial-scale chromatography platform available on the market. It has the capacity to process hundreds of kilograms of crude input material per month.The iCPC uses si…
RotaChromThe pCPC is a tailor-made system by RotaChrom. It is a combination of the iCPC and a solvent preparation, recovery and regeneration system. It also delivers a proprietary automated biphasic solvent system preparation platform, providing a continuous feed to our iCPC instrument.pCPC encompasses a fully integrated production platform where complete solvent handling is provided beside the iCPC’s purification solutions. The syste…
pCPC + HeiVap Platform
RotaChromAdd even more to your production with pCPC combined with the Heivap platform. This is a complex solution which enables complete solvent handling and allows the elimination of solvents and final polish of the product. The strategic partnership RotaChrom entered into with Heidolph comes with the possibility to combine the pCPC with Heidolph Heivap platform. The scaled-up and extended system provides a versatile solution, while…
STN - Online Scientific Database Literature and Patent Search
Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)STN is an online database service that provides global access to published research, journal literature, patents, structures, sequences, properties, and other data.
EXPRESS-Pick Collection Screening Compound Stock
ChemBridge CorporationThe EXPRESS-Pick small molecule screening compound stock is a collection of 460,000 druglike, small molecule compounds, available for custom selection.
DIVERSet Diversity Libraries
ChemBridge CorporationStructurally diverse small molecule libraries with broad 3D pharmacophore coverage for hit identification ChemBridge offers two, complementary DIVERSet™ Libraries, each composed of 50,000 leadlike and druglike compounds. Both DIVERSet Libraries (the DIVERSet-EXP and the DIVERSet-CL) are designed to provide the greatest coverage of pharmacophore space within 50,000 compounds while maintaining chemical structure diversity. Th…
CNS-Set Library
ChemBridge CorporationCNS-directed selection from ChemBridge's EXPRESS-Pick Collection screening compound stock.