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GC/MS Arsine Phosphine Analyzer

Agilent Technologies

The GC/MS Arsine Phosphine Analyzer is a robust solution for routine monitoring of arsine and phosphine impurities in olefin production. Based on 7890 GC and 5977B Mass Spec platforms, the Arsine Phosphine Analyzer comes preconfigured with hardware, consumables, and software, and the analyzer allows fast implementation of precise, stable, and easy to use methods for single-digit ppb detection of arsine and phosphine.

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Relocation Services

Agilent Technologies

CrossLab Relocation services provides a complete end-to-end process for moving everything in the lab by utilizing standard, vendor neutral protocols, minimizing the stress of moving and restoring the lab to full operation with minimal downtime.

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Agilent Technologies

The new Agilent InfinityLab Liquid Chromatography/Mass Selective Detector XT (LC/MSD XT) system brings the power of mass selective detection to your chromatography for enhanced analytical confidence. 

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MassHunter Profinder Software

Agilent Technologies

Profinder is a fast, batch-processing feature extraction software for differential analysis that supports data from Agilent GC/MSD, GC/Q-TOF, LC/TOF and LC/Q-TOF instruments. Profinder speeds up differential and flux analysis workflows using an intuitive user interface.

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Agilent BioTek Lionheart LX Automated Microscope

Agilent Technologies

The Agilent BioTek Lionheart LX automated microscope is designed for affordability, offering an alternative to expensive, custom-built automated microscopes that are complex to learn and use. The compact, ocular-free hardware design is more comfortable to use and reduces ergonomic distress in operators. Along with Gen5 software, Lionheart LX enables Augmented Microscopy, which fully automates image capture, processing, and…

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SPS 4 Autosampler

Agilent Technologies

The SPS 4 is a next-generation, high-performance autosampler for atomic spectroscopy applications. Designed to meet the needs of high-throughput laboratories requiring a fast, high-capacity (up to 360 samples or 768 microtiter wells), reliable autosampler, it is also small, quiet, easy-to-use and affordable. The SPS 4 is suitable for ultra-trace analysis by ICP-MS and rugged and robust enough for FAAS, MP-AES, and ICP-OES user…

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Thermal Separation Probe

Agilent Technologies

The Agilent Thermal Separation Probe (TSP) provides fast analysis of solid, liquid, and slurry samples. The process is simple, clean, and requires limited or zero sample preparation. Non-vaporized high boiling point ‘dirty sample matrix’– compounds, which can contaminate the GC liner and column, remain inside the micro-vial, and can be discarded after each injection. Use the TSP when testing complex samples in food, forensics,…

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