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Intabio ZT system


The Intabio ZT system couples icIEF separation and UV detection with high-resolution mass spectrometry on the ZenoTOF 7600 system. Experience one integrated workflow with a single, accessible dataset containing the required information to make the right decisions, fast.

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  • Best New Analytical Science Product of the Year
  • Best New Drug Discovery Product of the Year


IBI Scientific

Ready-to-use DNA Ladder (pre-mixed with loading dye) Suitable for sizing double-stranded DNA from 250 bp to 10 Kb with enhanced intensities at 1 Kb and 3 Kb Concentration: 2.5 µg / 25 µl; (Recommended loading: 0.5 µg or 5 µl) The IBI 1 Kb DNA Ladder, containing 13 linear double-stranded DNA fragments, is suitable for sizing double-stranded DNA from 250 bp to 10,000 bp. The 1 Kb DNA Ladder is a unique combination of…

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Chromogenix Coamatic® Factor VIII


Chromogenix Coamatic® Factor VIII is a chromogenic assay kit for the photometric determination of factor VIII activity in plasma, such as when identifying factor VIII deficiency or monitoring patients on replacement therapy as well as for potency estimation of FVIII concentrates. This Factor VIII test kit fulfills the requirements of the European Pharmacopoeia for factor VIII concentrate testing. Co-lyophilization of reagents…

|1 Review

Xpert® MTB/XDR


Simplifying TB drug susceptibility testing utilizing increased multiplexing capability with 10 color GeneXpert ® technology

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LISS/Coombs ID-Card


The methods used in compatibility tests should include those that will demonstrate ABO and RhD incompatibility and detect clinically significant unexpected antibodies. The LISS/Coombs ID-Card allows major crossmatch test by the Indirect Antihumanglobulin test (IAT), and Autocontrol (IAT test).

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