Clinical Genetics Products & Reviews
Molecular Genetics covers the analysis of hereditary genetic disease and chromosomal abnormalities. Genetics can be analysed using DNA, RNA, and protein microarrays, PCR, RT PCR and DNA sequencing. Genetic equipment includes genetic workstations, thermal cyclers, cooling blocks and electrophoresis products. Diagnostic kits are used for DNA / RNA extraction and purification.
Selected Filters:
bioMérieux USAThe BIOFIRE TORCH is the latest advancement in molecular infectious disease diagnostics, offering scalable configuration, reduced laboratory footprint, customized throughput, and a user-friendly interface.
MAS PAR TDM Controls
Thermo Fisher ScientificCheck therapeutic drug monitoring test procedures with ready-to-use, liquid assayed multi-analyte Thermo Scientific™ MAS™ PAR™ TDM Controls, therapeutic drug controls with assayed values designed for therapeutic drugs and common immunoassayed test procedures on most automated instruments. Liquid, ready to use Features three significant levels Includes values for major automated analyzers
SensoSpot® Fluorescence red/green
Miltenyi Imaging GmbH2 Channel Microarray Analyzer - Designed for Routine Diagnostics
SensoSpot® Colorimetry
Miltenyi Imaging GmbHColorimetry Microarray Analyzer - Designed for Routine Diagnostics
bioMérieux USAThe BIOFIRE ® FILMARRAY ® 2.0 System set the standard for molecular infectious disease testing. It enables simplified test ordering, faster turnaround times, and optimized laboratory workflow.
BIOFIRE® Blood Culture Identification 2 (BCID2) Panel
bioMérieux USAThe syndromic BIOFIRE BCID2 Panel tests for 43 targets associated with bloodstream infections, including gram-negative bacteria, gram-positive bacteria, yeast, and 10 antimicrobial resistance genes—all with one test and with results available in about an hour from positive blood culture.
BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® Gastrointestinal (GI) Panel
bioMérieux USAThe BIOFIRE GI Panel is a rapid PCR test that identifies 22 of the most common pathogens associated with gastroenteritis, including 13 bacteria, 5 viruses, and 4 parasites—all from one patient sample, with results available in about one hour.
BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® Pneumonia (PN) Panel
bioMérieux USAThe BIOFIRE PN Panel tests for 33 targets most associated with pneumonia, including viruses, bacteria, and antimicrobial resistance genes.
BIOFIRE® Respiratory 2.1 (RP2.1) Panel
bioMérieux USAThe BIOFIRE RP2.1 Panel tests for 22 of the most likely respiratory targets, including viruses and bacteria, with results in about 45 minutes.