Non-Destructive Techniques Products & Reviews

Non-destructive techniques (NDT) describes a variety of analytical techniques used to evaluate the properties of a material. Common methods include ultrasonic, magnetic-particle, liquid penetrant, radiographic, remote visual inspection (RVI), and eddy-current testing. NDT is regularly used in forensic engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, systems engineering, aeronautical engineering, and medicine.

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Q-Sense Omega Auto

Biolin Scientific

The Q-Sense Omega Auto is a fully automated Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring (QCM-D) system for real-time characterization of interfaces and molecular interactions.

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Q-Sense E1

Biolin Scientific

Q-Sense E1 is a flexible, single-sensor microbalance system that enables accurate QCM-D measurements of real-time molecular interactions.

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Rigaku Radioflex Radiographic Testing Systems for NDT

Rigaku Corporation

Rigaku’s Radioflex EGM2 series directional radiographic testing systems are tried and tested. They are characterized by their reliability and robustness. Their rugged design caters to the rigors of in-field testing, while their proven dependability ensures they are ready to go when you are. These systems are built to last, while the high-performance ceramic X-ray tubes will provide years of operation.

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