Chemical Software Products & Reviews

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VLifeMDS Molecular Design Suite

VLife Sciences Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

VLifeMDS (Molecular Design Suite), is a computational chemist’s workbench for computer aided drug design (CADD) and molecule discovery. MDS comes with seamless integration to GQSAR, (Group based QSAR) and SCOPE. VLifeMDS facilitates comprehensive in-silico approach to design. It is able to visualize, predict and analyze small molecules and proteins while studying interactions. VLifeMDS extensively deals with:• Protein structur…

|1 Review

CLC DNA Workbench Software

CLC bio

The New Standard for Desktop-Based Bioinformatics Tools CLC DNA Workbench provides a software environment which enables users to perform advanced DNA sequence analyses such as assembly of DNA sequence data, graphically and algorithmically advanced primer design, while offering user-friendly molecular cloning tools. CLC DNA Workbench is a bioinformatics software package containing a range of specialized DNA analyses and bioinfo…

|2 Reviews

ActivityBase Suite


IDBS ActivityBase  - Capture, store, secure, analyze and share discovery data The IDBS ActivityBase suite provides efficient and effective drug discovery data management, enabling scientists to work more productively and saving life sciences organizations time and money. From high volume, routine screening through to low throughput data management, ActivityBase provides a secure, consistent and accessible environment for a dru…

|2 Reviews

ActivityBase XE


IDBS ActivityBase XE - Superior template design flexibility offers a revolutionary solution for enhancing high throughput screening data management ActivityBase XE delivers ultra high performance screening and flexible data visualization in one single working environment. Easy to use, flexible and intuitive The XE module for IDBS ActivityBase streamlines workflow and optimizes productivity. as well as support for traditional h…

|1 Review



waters_connect is an informatics platform that helps analytical labs, their scientists, and extended ecosystem explore, discover, and push the boundaries of how laboratories use information.

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Ensemble for Chemistry

Revvity Signals

Ensemble for Chemistry provides a complete, integrated suite of applications that manages chemical structures and their associated data and properties in an efficient and chemically intelligent way, enhancing chemists' productivity and enabling better decision-making. Meeting Chemists' Informatics Needs •   Chemists need tools that understand the chemistry behind the names, structures and reactions, so that compounds can…

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CLC Protein Workbench Software

CLC bio

Protein Analysis Software - the Next GenerationCLC Protein Workbench creates a software environment enabling users to make a large number of advanced protein sequence analyses, combined with smooth data management, and excellent graphical viewing and output options. Protein Workbench sets new standards for bioinformatics software with its overall graphical display, usability driven and user-friendly interface, while featuring…

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