LC-MS Products & Reviews



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Shimadzu Corporation

The LCMS-2050 single quadrupole mass spectrometer combines the user-friendliness of an LC detector with the excellent performance of MS to provide a complete package of easy to use high-level performance and compactness.

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6495D triple quadrupole LC/MS (LC/TQ)

Agilent Technologies

If you are under pressure to deliver meaningful results, the Agilent 6495D LC/TQ provides sensitivity without compromising robustness.  Built-in instrument intelligence of the 6495D LC/TQ enhances throughput, and integrates comprehensive workflows to get your lab up and running fast, allowing even novice users to generate expert results. 

|14 Reviews
  • Best New Analytical Science Product of the Year
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Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Eclipse™ Tribrid™ mass spectrometer

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Today’s cutting-edge research pushes LC-MS to its limits. Obtaining high confidence insights to enable accurate resolution of subtle differences and avoid costly dead-ends is needed faster than ever before. The Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Eclipse Tribrid mass spectrometer surpasses these limits with new innovations that deliver the ultimate flexibility to expand experimental scope, and with built-in intelligence to ensure the h…

|6 Reviews
  • Best New Spectroscopy Product of the Year

VeriSpray™ PaperSpray Ion Source

Thermo Fisher Scientific

If you are dealing with a rising backlog of samples due to an insufficient chromatography-based solution, the Thermo Scientific VeriSpray PaperSpray ion source for mass spectrometry is a valuable alternative solution for MS analysis. This paper spray ionization technique provides direct sample analysis capability with your triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, eliminating the need for chromatographic based separation, simplifyi…

|2 Reviews

Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Astral mass spectrometer

Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap™ Astral™ mass spectrometer is powered by the synergy of a high-resolution quadrupole mass filter, Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap™ analyzer and novel Thermo Scientific™ Astral™ analyzer to achieve unsurpassed performance and experimental flexibility. The combination of the three mass analyzers enables the rapid acquisition of exceptional quality high resolution accurate mass (HRAM) full scan and MS…

|3 Reviews
  • Best New Analytical Science Product of the Year

200 cm µPAC™ column


As an alternative to conventional columns, PharmaFluidics offers micromachined nano-LC columns or micro Pillar Array Columns (µPAC™). These µPAC™ columns display exceptional separation properties with unprecedented peak capacity and narrow peak shapes at low operating back-pressure. µPAC™ column, 200 cm length, with pillar array backbone at interpillar distance of 2.5µm, C18.

|1 Review

Thermo Scientific™ Orbitrap Exploris™ 480 mass spectrometer

Thermo Fisher Scientific

Empowering life science researchers to translate each step to a new level of insight with a next generation ownership experience coupled with an intelligence-driven experimental approach. With the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 480 mass spectrometer you'll find market leading quantitative performance to solve your most complex challenges with ease, and the proven qualitative performance you expect.

|9 Reviews
  • Best New Drug Discovery & Development Product of the Year

50 cm µPAC™ column


With an internal volume of 3µL, this 50 cm long RP-C18 µPAC™ column is perfectly suited to perform high throughput analyses with shorter gradi­ent solvent times (30, 60 and 90-minute gradients) and it can be used over a wide range of flow rates, between 100 and 2000 nL/min. µPAC™ column, 50 cm length, with pillar array backbone at interpillar distance of 2.5µm, C18.

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µPAC™ Trapping column


Our µPAC™ Trapping column was developed with an identical stationary phase support morphology, matching perfectly the retentive properties of our analytical µPAC™ columns. Effectively desalting and preconcentrating the analytes improves the analytical column lifetime and workflow throughput.

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µPAC™ capLC column


The µPAC™ capLC columns are designed for increased robustness and throughput assuring sensitivity. A flow rate versatility between 1 and 15 µL/min at moderated pressures allows short gradient separations, while the µPAC™ technology ensures an exceptional high reproducibility over time and across laboratories. µPAC™ column, 50cm length, with pillar array backbone at interpillar distance of 2.5 µm, C18.

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