Manipulators Products & Reviews



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MP-285 Motorized Micromanipulator

Sutter Instrument Co.

The flagship in our line of precision micromanipulators, the motorized MP-285 is affordable yet offers advanced features found in manipulators costing thousands more. Custom engineered stepping motors, precision cross-roller bearing slides and proprietary worm gear capstan drives form the basis of the watch-like mechanical system. The controller provides power to the stage motors with a quiet linear power supply to minimize el…

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PatchStar Micromanipulator

Scientifica Ltd

The PatchStar is an ultra-stable, super smooth micromanipulator with extremely low electrical noise. With a versatile, modular design and user friendly responsive controls, the PatchStar is perfect for a wide range of electrophysiological, microinjection and other demanding positioning requirements. Ergonomically designed in collaboration with leading electrophysiologists, the PatchStar will increase productivity and ensure qu…

|1 Review

In-Vivo Manipulators (IVM)

Scientifica Ltd

The In-Vivo motorised micromanipulator (IVM) was developed to meet the requirements of the most demanding in-vivo applications. High quality materials and precision assembly, along with the super smooth motion and long travel means that the IVM is stable, versatile and low-noise. It’s perfectly suited to electrophysiology and microinjection procedures and is available with single or three axes of motion. Features: • Ultra stab…

|1 Review

MMN-3 Manipulator


Economical model featuring leading-edge technologies. The MMN-3 is a three-dimensional coarse manipulator without the X-axis fine movement provided on the MM-3. X- and Z-axis handles are placed on both sides, for use by both left- and right-handed operators. The handles also feature hardness adjustment to prevent them from dropping under their own weight and thus causing drift.

|1 Review

MicroStar Micromanipulator

Scientifica Ltd

Based on the same solid engineering principles as our class leading PatchStar micromanipulators, the MicroStar enables the researcher to arrange up to eight electrodes around a sample. This makes it especially ideal for neuroscientists studying synaptic connectivity and networks but also for a wider range of applications where space around tissue samples is at a premium. Our real achievement in the design of this product is th…

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LBM-7 Manual Manipulator

Scientifica Ltd

The LBM-7 was designed and developed in conjunction with scientists to be stable, have low drift and be easy to use. It bridges the gap between coarse manipulators and micromanipulators. Affectionately known as the Little Blue Manipulator, this device can be easily configured from left to right-handed. With seven axes of movement, four linear and three rotational, combined with micron resolution, the LBM-7 was designed to serv…

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ChannelMAX 100A Twin Automated Patch Manipulators

AutoMate Scientific Inc.

Run dual two-electrode voltage clamp experiments simultaneously:With two additional micromanipulators, the system can perform dual two-electrode voltage clamp (TEVC) experiments simultaneously. Designed to be affordable to the scientific community, this system increases productivity significantly. Additional units can be run in parallel to further increase TEVC throughput.Run up to four patch clamp simultaneously:As each man…

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PatchMAX 100A Automated Patch Manipulator

AutoMate Scientific Inc.

Incredibly small footprint:This patent-pending design has an 8" x 8" footprint; it is the smallest multifunction patch clamp system available.  The automated patch clamping system replaces the microscope and the manipulator in the traditional rig. Complete with one automated manipulator, a manual XY stage, a data acquisition board & control system, and a perfusion chamber with the platform, this system can automatically guide…

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MP-285 Manipulator System, Rack Mount

AutoMate Scientific Inc.

This motorized micromanipulator with a rack mount controller unit is affordable yet offers advanced features found in manipulators costing thousands more. Custom engineered stepping motors, precision cross-roller bearing slides and proprietary worm gear capstan drives form the basis of the watch-like mechanical system. The controller provides power to the stage motors with a quiet linear power supply to minimize electrical noi…

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MPC-365 Narrow Format Manipulator System

AutoMate Scientific Inc.

The MP-265/M "narrow format" mechanical is designed especially for patch-slice manipulator systems that require more than 2 or 3 pipettes. Coupled with our multi-manipulator controller, MPC-200, users have the ability to easily build up multi-manipulator MPC-365 systems for positioning multiple recording and stimulating pipettes.Resolution: Minimal microstep size is 62.5 nanometers per microstep. Display has single micron reso…

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Basic Multi-Manipulator System w/ MP-285

AutoMate Scientific Inc.

The flagship in Sutter's line of precision micromanipulators, the motorized MP-285 is affordable yet offers advanced features found in manipulators costing thousands more. Custom engineered stepping motors, precision cross-roller bearing slides and proprietary worm gear capstan drives form the basis of the watch-like mechanical system. The controller provides power to the stage motors with a quiet linear power supply to minimi…

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