Precision Plus Protein™ Dual Color Standards, 500 µlBio-RadPrestained markers are brighter for visual robustness throughout western blotting to accurately estimate MW, monitor electrophoresis and transfer efficiency.4.6/5.0|3 Reviews
Precision Plus Protein™ WesternC™ Blotting Standards, 250 µlBio-Rad250 µl, pre-stained, Strep-tagged recombinant proteins (10–250 kD), including three pink reference bands (25, 50, 75 kD), 50 applications4.7/5.0|1 Review
DNA Ladders and MarkersThermo Fisher ScientificThermo Scientific has a comprehensive range of DNA molecular weight markers which can be sub-divided into three groups: 1. Superladders derived from cloned and purified DNA fragment repeats, for quantitation and accurate sizing 2. High molecular weight markers from lambda DNA restriction digests 3. Lower molecular weight markers from plasmid and ØX174 restriction digests Most of these markers are now also available in a conven…5.0/5.0|3 Reviews
1kb DNA LadderThermo Fisher ScientificThe Thermo Scientific 1kb DNA Ladder is and easy reference ladder with brighter bands at 1kb and 3kb. 4.9/5.0|3 Reviews
1 kb DNA LadderNew England Biolabs Inc.A number of proprietary plasmids are digested to completion with appropriate restriction enzymes to yield 10 bands suitable for use as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The digested DNA includes fragments ranging from 0.5-10.0 kilobases (kb). The 3.0 kb fragment has increased intensity to serve as a reference band. The approximate mass of DNA in each of the bands is provided (assuming a 0.5 μg load) f…4.8/5.0|4 Reviews
Precision Plus Protein™ Unstained Protein Standards, Strep-tagged recombinant, 1 mlBio-Rad1 ml, unstained mixture of 10 Strep-tagged recombinant proteins (10–250 kD), including three reference bands (25, 50, 75 kD), 100 applications4.3/5.0|6 Reviews
2-D SDS-PAGE StandardsBio-Rad500 µl, 17,500–76,000 MW range, pI 4.5–8.5, unstained mixture of myoglobin, trypsin inhibitor, CA, GAPDH, actin, BSA, and conalbumin3.0/5.0|1 Review
Salmon Sperm DNAAgilent Technologies Randomly pre-sheared DNA Molecular weight ranges from 300 bp to 2000 bp Guaranteed DNase-free 0.0/5.0|0 ReviewsRequest PricingSelect product
Kit, Total RNA, Cervix, Human, 3 x 25 µgAgilent TechnologiesMVP RNA is application-ready RNA available in small economical pack sizes. Extensive and rigorous quality control including many application specific assays provides assurance that the RNA is intact, full-length and nearly DNA-free. Extensive quality control ensures high-quality RNA Eliminates tedious, time consuming RNA isolation procedures Application ready for real time RT-PCR, miRNA detection and Northern blot anal…0.0/5.0|0 ReviewsRequest PricingSelect product
Precision Plus Protein™ All Blue Prestained Protein StandardsBio-Rad500 µl, mixture of 10 blue-stained recombinant proteins (10–250 kD), including three reference bands (25, 50, 75 kD), 50 applications0.0/5.0|0 Reviews
Precision Plus Protein™ Kaleidoscope™ Prestained Protein StandardsBio-Rad500 µl, mixture of 10 multicolor recombinant proteins (10–250 kD), 50 applications0.0/5.0|0 Reviews
Precision Plus Protein™ Dual Xtra Prestained Protein StandardsBio-Rad500 µl, mixture of 12 recombinant proteins (2–250 kD) 9 blue-stained bands and 3 pink reference bands (2, 25 and 75 kD), 50 applications0.0/5.0|0 Reviews
IEF StandardsBio-Rad250 µl, pI range: 4.45–9.6, phycocyanin, ß-lactoglobulin B, bovine and human CA, equine myoglobin, human hemoglobin A and C, lentil lectin, and cyt C0.0/5.0|0 Reviews
Precision Plus Protein™ WesternC™ Blotting Standards, value pack, 50 applicationsBio-Rad250 µl Precision Plus Protein WesternC standards and 125 µl StrepTactin-HRP conjugate, 50 applications0.0/5.0|0 Reviews
100 bp PCR Molecular RulerBio-Rad200 µl, 0.2 µg/µl, DNA standard, 100–3,000 bp, 30 bands in 100 bp increments, 100 applications0.0/5.0|0 Reviews
EZ Load 20 bp Molecular RulerBio-Rad500 µl, 0.1 µg/µl, ready-to-load DNA standard, 20–1,000 bp, 50 bands, includes 1 ml 5x nucleic acid sample buffer, 100 applications0.0/5.0|0 Reviews
EZ Load 100 bp Molecular RulerBio-Rad500 µl, 0.05 µg/µl, ready-to-load DNA standard, 100–1,000 bp, 10 bands, includes 1 ml 5x nucleic acid sample buffer, 100 applications0.0/5.0|0 Reviews
EZ Load 100 bp PCR Molecular RulerBio-Rad500 µl, 0.08 µg/µl, ready-to-load DNA standard, 100–3,000 bp, 30 bands, includes 1 ml 5x nucleic acid sample buffer, 100 applications0.0/5.0|0 Reviews
EZ Load 500 bp Molecular RulerBio-Rad500 µl, 0.08 µg/µl, ready-to-load DNA standard, 500–8,000 bp, 16 bands, includes 1 ml 5x nucleic acid sample buffer, 100 applications0.0/5.0|0 Reviews
EZ Load 1 kb Molecular RulerBio-Rad500 µl, 0.08 µg/µl, ready-to-load DNA standard, 1–15 kb, 15 bands, includes 1 ml 5x nucleic acid sample buffer, 100 applications0.0/5.0|0 Reviews
CHEF DNA Size Marker #1703605Bio-Rad5 agarose blocks, PFGE marker, 0.225–2.2 Mb S. cerevisiae chromosomal DNA, for 25–40 plugs0.0/5.0|0 Reviews
CHEF DNA Size Standard #1703624Bio-Rad200 µl, 10 µg/µl, PFGE standard, 5 kb ladder, 4.9–120 kb, concatemers of pBR328, 20–25 applications0.0/5.0|0 Reviews
CHEF DNA Size Standard #1703635Bio-Rad5 agarose blocks, PFGE standard, lambda (?) ladder, 0.05–1 Mb, concatemers of phage ?cl857Sam7, for 25–40 plugs0.0/5.0|0 Reviews