
Achieving gage-capable process control for high-speed, precision manufacturing

25 Jun 2023

In this application note, Bruker Nano discusses gage studies and its latest metrology advancements that help manufacturers and engineers meet the increasingly stringent demands for high-end applications. Solid, gage-proven metrology is an essential tool for process control across all industrial settings. A good measurement system enables manufacturers – ranging from factories that operate 24/7 and incorporate high-volume, high-end processes to medical instrument production performing critical FDA inspections – to keep parts within tight specification limits. However, if the measurement system is unsuitable and the amount of measurement error exceeds the allowable tolerance, it may incorrectly overlook and accept bad parts and/or reject good parts. Consequently, a company’s ability to comply with evolving standards, participate in product and process innovation, and remain competitive in modern markets are all contingent upon highly accurate measurement system performance.

