Agena Bioscience’s Exome ID AbA Panel

Agena Bioscience’s Exome ID AbA Panel

30 Dec 2015

This application note describes the development of the Exome ID Panel for use on the MassARRAY® System. A significant challenge for the research community is to ensure that the correct samples are used and reported in research studies. Sample mix-ups such as mislabeling and becoming mixed up during transfer between locations, prove difficult to pinpoint and deconvolute, which could undermine the accuracy of results and scientific merit of translational and clinical research studies.

Furthermore, research conducted on archival specimens often contain highly varied levels of degradation and the introduction of artifacts due to the chemical transformation capabilities of stabilizing agents. This affects the overall nucleic acid quality and quantity available for genetic analysis.

The iPLEX Pro Sample ID Panel, supported by Typer v4.0.52+ software and database, provides a highly accurate and rapid research method for identifying and quantifying genomic DNA samples prior to PCR-based assay methods on the MassARRAY System or alternative genetic analysis technologies.

