An Effective and Reliable Enzymatic Method for the Depletion of Ribosomal RNA for Preparation of High-Quality Libraries for Transcriptome Sequencing

An Effective and Reliable Enzymatic Method for the Depletion of Ribosomal RNA for Preparation of High-Quality Libraries for Transcriptome Sequencing

7 Jan 2016

Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) accounts for the vast majority of total cellular RNA, and its efficient removal is critical during the RNA-Seq library preparation process in order to maximize the yield of biologically-informative transcriptome-derived reads. Sequencing of total RNA samples that have been depleted of rRNA provides a more comprehensive representation of the transcriptome compared to mRNA sequencing. This application note demonstrates a flexible and highly effective method for targeted enzymatic depletion of rRNA using complementary oligonucleotide probes and RNase H degradation.

