Characterization of an IgG-Cleaving Protease from Streptococcus equi with Improved Activity Against Mouse IgGs

Characterization of an IgG-Cleaving Protease from Streptococcus equi with Improved Activity Against Mouse IgGs

21 Dec 2015

IdeS Protease is an immunoglobulin degrading enzyme isolated from Streptococcus pyogenes and it has become a valuable tool for characterization of therapeutic antibodies, Fc-fusion proteins and antibody-drug conjugates. However, Ides protease shows poor activity against mouse IgGs. IdeZ Protease was originally identified in S. equi subsp, zooepidemicus. This poster demonstrates the expression and purification of a modified recombinant IdeZ, and show that it has significantly improved activity against mouse IgG2a and IgG3 subclasses when compared to IdeS. We also demonstrate the use of IdeZ in LC-MS workflows for human and mouse IgG characterization.

