Determination of 30 PFAS substances in infant formula, milk, and eggs

23 Jul 2024

Determination of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) residues in food has become a topic of rising concern. The large variety and high complexity of food matrices challenge the sample preparation method not only in terms of sample extraction and matrix cleanup efficiency, but also the overall method simplicity, sample processing efficiency, and accommodation of different matrices. Agilent Captiva EMR PFAS Food cartridges were developed and optimized specifically for PFAS analysis in food, providing comprehensive mix-mode passthrough cleanup. Explore a proposed workflow for the determination of 30 PFAS targets in infant formula, milk, and eggs, using QuEChERS extraction followed by mixed-mode passthrough cleanup with the Agilent Captiva EMR PFAS Food II cartridge and LC/MS/MS detection.

