Exosome-Depleted Fetal Bovine Serum Using Beckman Coulter Centrifugation

Exosome-Depleted Fetal Bovine Serum Using Beckman Coulter Centrifugation

23 Feb 2016

Exosomes are small microvesicles released by all cell types, and proven to be involved in cancer metastasis. Exosome characterization and analysis comprise a fast, evolving research area even though their biological function has yet to be completely elucidated. In cell culture, fetal bovine serum (FBS) is usually incorporated into media, despite FBS containing extremely high levels of innate bovine extracellular vesicles which complicate downstream analyses. This application note explains the process for “home-brewing” exosome-depleted FBS by ultracentrifugation and compares the cell viability and media depletion percentage from two separate cell lines after treatment with different media types.

