Exploring the Sensitivity Differences for Targeted Peptide Quantification in the Low Flow Rate Regime

Exploring the Sensitivity Differences for Targeted Peptide Quantification in the Low Flow Rate Regime

10 Dec 2015

A common view of the protein/biomarker research pipeline is that one starts with high sensitivity global discovery and narrows the list of protein targets using high throughput targeted quantitation. While much focus has been on mass spectrometry innovations, the importance of the separation component for getting high quality data cannot be underestimated. Sensitivity, robustness and throughput of the LC strategy must also evolve as research progresses from discovery to targeted workflows. The nanoflow regime is used extensively for high sensitivity discovery experiments but more recently researchers are exploring the use of microflow for increased throughput and robustness for targeted quantification. In this poster, sensitivity & throughput differences between nano and micro flow rates for targeted quantitation are explored.

